Honey Banking is a simple concept of individuals banking on the growth of the non-peroxide activity (NPA) of Aotearoa Manuka Honey. To understand MHB, you have to understand a few key components in the compositions of manuka honey:


  • Non-peroxide Activity (NPA) 非过氧化物活性(NPA)

    NPA is a measure of the anti-bacterial properties of Aotearoa Manuka Honey, it is more commonly marketed under the proprietary trademark, UMF (Unique Manuka Factor). NPA 5 = UMF 5, NPA 6 = UMF 6 and so on and so forth.

    NPA是衡量麦卢卡蜂蜜抗菌能力的一种方法,它通常以专有商标UMF(独特麦卢卡因子)来标示,如NPA 5=UMF 5,NPA 6=UMF 6等等。

  • Methylglyoxal (MGO) 甲基乙二醛(PGI)

    MGO is a natural chemical component of manuka honey. It is the basis of the measure of NPA/UMF. Many brands of manuka honey cannot afford the membership fees of UMF association and they opt to use MGO as the measure of their Manuka Honey’s antibacterial properties. For example MGO 83+ = UMF 5+.

    MGO是麦卢卡蜂蜜中的一种天然化学成分,它是衡量NPA/UMF数值的基础。许多品牌的麦卢卡蜂蜜负担不起UMF协会的会员费,所以选择使用MGO作为衡量麦卢卡蜂蜜抗菌能力的指标,例如MGO 83+=UMF 5+。

  • Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) 二羟基丙酮(DHA)

    Methylglyoxal (MGO) in honey is created over time from the interaction of the dihydroxyacetone (DHA) in the honey with various naturally-occurring proteins and amino acids, the maximum concentration of MGO in any particular sample of manuka honey can be indicated by its DHA concentration. All other things being equal, a manuka honey sample with a high DHA concentration has the potential to turn into a manuka honey with higher MGO concentration than a comparable manuka honey sample with a low DHA concentration.


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